2016 CNS-ASU Winter School
Call for Applications
The Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University (CNS-ASU) will hold its
fourth annual Winter School on the Anticipatory Governance and Responsible Innovation
for Emerging Technologies from January 3-10, 2016.
The CNS-ASU Winter School is designed to give participants an introduction to and practical experience with methods and theories used by CNS-ASU faculty and associates. Curricular content and activities are designed around our four Real-Time Technology Assessments (RTTAs) and two Thematic Research Clusters (TRCs).
Presentations describing the various tools, concepts and methods that guide CNS-ASU research activity will be supplemented by practical activities and rigorous discussion. Ample work time and breaks are built into the Winter School schedule to encourage participants to guide their own learning experience throughout the week. Mentorship sessions with available faculty will also be offered.
Why apply
The Winter School is an immersive experience for scholars who want to share their unique research and learn from peers and experts who use diverse approaches to investigate the human and social dimensions of emerging technologies. Winter School faculty will offer theoretical framings, analytical tools and hands-on lessons in responsible innovation, anticipatory governance and RTTA. Winter School will enrich your network of peers, and mentors and all participants will present their research at the Research Symposium on January 9.
Who should apply
Applicants should be advanced graduate students or recent PhDs (post-doc or untenured faculty within 3 years of PhD at time of application) with an expressed interest in studying emerging technologies, such as nanotechnology, synthetic biology, geoengineering, etc. Applicants may come from any discipline, but priority will be given to those whose research focuses on societal questions, and all applicants must be demonstrably proficient in English.
The program will be held at Saguaro Lake Ranch in Mesa, AZ, with access to Sonoran Desert hiking, kayaking on Saguaro Lake, horseback riding, and relaxing by the Salt River.
Program Cost
A program fee of $950 includes 7 nights at Saguaro Lake Ranch, all meals, and local transportation from Tempe, AZ. Participants will need to secure their travel to Phoenix, AZ, and arrive before 1:00 pm on January 3, 2016.
To Apply
Visit the CNS-ASU Winter School website at http://cns.asu.edu/Winter- School for more information or to download an application. Deadline forapplications is Monday, November 2, 2016.
PO Box 875603, Tempe, AZ 85287-5603