Experiences, Designing Consent is a symposium interrogating the
intersections of consent and the design of interactive media and
technologies. The symposium is hosted at the Illinois Institute of
Technology in Chicago by the Center for the Study of Ethics in the
Professions and the HASTAC Scholars fellowship program on April 6, 2019.
It is organized by Michael Anthony DeAnda, Elisabeth Hildt, Kelly Laas,
and Leilasadat Mirghaderi.
Experiences, Designing Consent is a one-day event intended to bring
together researchers, scholars, practitioners, and designers to consider
the implications of theoretical, social, and material aspects of
consent and design. Some examples of topics include: consent to
participate in social media, user agreement, consent in gaming, informed
consent to data collection and use, consent in digital humanities
research. This workshop will consider ethical approaches to each of
these respective fields of study and development. This event emphasizes
theory and practice, structured on an iterative process of Learn, Make,
Reflect. Here, participants will begin by listening to a panel on the
topic of consent and design, then move to a group maker breakout session
to design based off key concepts from the panel and return together to
reflect on the process.
invite researchers, scholars, practitioners, designers, makers, and
ethicists to submit proposals for 10-15 minute presentations and to
attend this event, particularly those interested in consent as it
applies to:
- Ethics and philosophy
- Informed Consent
- Design of experiences
- Game design and gaming culture
- Design and study of User Experience
- Website development
- Application design and mobile app design
- User Interface Design
- Data collection
- Digital Humanities
- Social Media Research
- User agreements
- Audience studies
- Design Research
- Research Methods and Practices
- Research Design
- Storytelling and digital storytelling
- Maker spaces and crafting
submissions should include a title, a 400-500 word abstract, and a bio
of 100-150 words in length by January 23, 2019 to this form.
Any further questions may be directed to Michael DeAnda at